Monday, January 05, 2009

Pure Pwnage

So this break completely owned me, hard. I paid the price the last couple days with my body telling me that it's pissed off that I abused it for 10 straight days. I made it through the rough patch though and although feeling terrible right now, I will improve. Have to go to the gym today to speed up the recovery.

I could go through the events of the past few days but, like usual, the details are hazy. I got retardly drunk with my brother Jeff on Friday for his 21st. I'm not sure how many brother combination's would throw down like us. Obviously it ends in a complete mess and we're are lucky no one got in any trouble. I think it's funny that I feel regret for how I acted the night before but have no recollection of the details. You'd think that being 4 years out of college I would have outgrown this phase, but alas, not the case.

Bball game on the Thursday and then the 2 a week games will start up. This should keep me entertained during the winter months. I like to ask people if they'd play on my team usually just as a conversation starter, but if you read this and you are or know someone who is 6-5 or bigger, let me know because we lack size.

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