2 bball games this week. We went 1-1 blowing one non white team out by 40 and getting blown out by another team by 20. Against the non white team we opened up the game with a 20-0 lead. Comments were made that it was similar to the girls team demolishing the special team 100-0. No real entertaining stories except one of our players got a technical when we were up 20 to zip, nice. The other game was against a good team who had a Chet Stachitas who was a pretty good player for St Joes a couple of years back. The other players on his team were solid too and we really didn't stand a chance. Bake set the line at 19 to start the game and Jkash had a 3 ball at the end that would have covered but we ended up losing by 21, playing them evenly the 2nd half when their motivation dropped.
I watched Money Train over the weekend and although not a great movie for some reason I think Woody Harrelson is a really entertaining actor. He is such a white goober southern hick that I find him amusing. I'm not so big on Wesley Snipes and for some reason I can't stand J Lo.
If you aren't aware Jessica Simpson is getting fat.

If you need to wear a double belt to keep your stomach in... I'm not going to knock her for being fat but considering the way she used to look this is a blow to male magazines.
I'll run through my TV watching quickly. Rock of Love Bus is down to 9 people. My new favorite girl is Ashley. She has a good attitude of sabotaging the other girls and trying to win the competition. There's something about her demeanor which I find appealing.
I thought 24 was pretty good this week. Watching this show in 1 hour (40 minute) doses is difficult. I can hardly even remember what happened but then I think back and only 40 minutes happened so not much did happen. Huh. Walker lived, the only attractive character died, and Bauer is calling the shots. Next.
I like Flight of the Conchords. I find the dialog as good as ever. They may be stretching for ideas in some spots but I don't really care. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtbQaJzZh1k
Honestly that pretty much wraps up the last week or so. I'll post more in the future. I'm on a downward spiral in poker but I have a feeling that this will be changing shortly. Down about 600 in 3 weeks. However, I picked up some nice gains on yhoo, bidu, and ge yesterday only to give back a lot today. I'm thinking of going radical and making a big play on the price of OIL. And I'm going to put a hefty wager on GSP to take down BJ Penn on Sat. Then once GSP owns I'll put the winnings on the Steelers -7. I dislike the Steelers and am scared of Warner, maybe i'll reconsider this decision. Vegas on Monday for a tradeshow.
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