Obama appoints Timothy Geithner as Secretary of Treasury. Geithner had not paid $35,000 in self-employment taxes for several years. The mistakes were "avoidable" and "unintentional". He filed using TURBO TAX and blames the software for not being able to handle his returns. Notice, he received nearly a half million dollar severance payment for his work with the fed some years back.
Wall street had paid out 18.4 billion dollars in bonuses in 08'. Obama called this "the height of irresponsibility" and "shameful". "There will be a time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses, now is not the time." Is something wrong here? Obama finds these bonuses wrong, however, he appoints Geithner to SECRETARY OF TREASURY. The guys uses TURBO TAX to pay his taxes and receives huge bonuses. What kind of a nitwit can't spend a few extra bucks to get his taxes done properly unless he is hiding something. Am I missing something here?
Enough Political BS. I'm going to continue the Friday entry on annoying things (or things I just generally don't like) in this universe.
People who walk slow - I don't think I walk the sidewalk at high speeds. I can't stand when I get a group of people slowly waddling along. When this occurs then you have to go in a high speed power walk to pass so they don't impede your progress. It looks foolish and wastes precious energy. Plus, then you have to be aware of head on's against oncoming traffic.
Most annoying songs - Here is a list of songs that when they come on they should be changed.
I love rock and roll by Joan Jett
Another piece of my heart by Janis Joplin
Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin
Womanizer by Britney Spears
Leavin by Jesse McCartney
These are just a few that come to mind but I wouldn't mind if they were erased off the face of the earth. On a side note, even though I don't like too many female artists, I think Sheryl crow has some good music.
The dryer - I'm no expert at doing laundry. I don't separate whites from colors. I'm cool with the washer. Put in the detergent, run the cold water, and let it wash. Now the dryer is a different story. The thing shrinks everything. The more times I wash certain clothes, the smaller they get. Is this a universal thing or am I just inept?
That's all I got till next week. I'll try to get some pictures from Vegas.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Life Update
I feel like when people don't post for a couple of days they always say it's because they are too busy. This is certainly not the case for me. Yes I work 5 days a week, 4 this week, but I could easily put in the time to post about random stuff. Instead I like to get backed up and make a bunch of posts at one time. I'll roll through my weekly routine of stuff I did and watched over the past couple days and give my thoughts.
2 bball games this week. We went 1-1 blowing one non white team out by 40 and getting blown out by another team by 20. Against the non white team we opened up the game with a 20-0 lead. Comments were made that it was similar to the girls team demolishing the special team 100-0. No real entertaining stories except one of our players got a technical when we were up 20 to zip, nice. The other game was against a good team who had a Chet Stachitas who was a pretty good player for St Joes a couple of years back. The other players on his team were solid too and we really didn't stand a chance. Bake set the line at 19 to start the game and Jkash had a 3 ball at the end that would have covered but we ended up losing by 21, playing them evenly the 2nd half when their motivation dropped.
I watched Money Train over the weekend and although not a great movie for some reason I think Woody Harrelson is a really entertaining actor. He is such a white goober southern hick that I find him amusing. I'm not so big on Wesley Snipes and for some reason I can't stand J Lo.
If you aren't aware Jessica Simpson is getting fat.

If you need to wear a double belt to keep your stomach in... I'm not going to knock her for being fat but considering the way she used to look this is a blow to male magazines.
I'll run through my TV watching quickly. Rock of Love Bus is down to 9 people. My new favorite girl is Ashley. She has a good attitude of sabotaging the other girls and trying to win the competition. There's something about her demeanor which I find appealing.
I thought 24 was pretty good this week. Watching this show in 1 hour (40 minute) doses is difficult. I can hardly even remember what happened but then I think back and only 40 minutes happened so not much did happen. Huh. Walker lived, the only attractive character died, and Bauer is calling the shots. Next.
I like Flight of the Conchords. I find the dialog as good as ever. They may be stretching for ideas in some spots but I don't really care. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtbQaJzZh1k
Honestly that pretty much wraps up the last week or so. I'll post more in the future. I'm on a downward spiral in poker but I have a feeling that this will be changing shortly. Down about 600 in 3 weeks. However, I picked up some nice gains on yhoo, bidu, and ge yesterday only to give back a lot today. I'm thinking of going radical and making a big play on the price of OIL. And I'm going to put a hefty wager on GSP to take down BJ Penn on Sat. Then once GSP owns I'll put the winnings on the Steelers -7. I dislike the Steelers and am scared of Warner, maybe i'll reconsider this decision. Vegas on Monday for a tradeshow.
2 bball games this week. We went 1-1 blowing one non white team out by 40 and getting blown out by another team by 20. Against the non white team we opened up the game with a 20-0 lead. Comments were made that it was similar to the girls team demolishing the special team 100-0. No real entertaining stories except one of our players got a technical when we were up 20 to zip, nice. The other game was against a good team who had a Chet Stachitas who was a pretty good player for St Joes a couple of years back. The other players on his team were solid too and we really didn't stand a chance. Bake set the line at 19 to start the game and Jkash had a 3 ball at the end that would have covered but we ended up losing by 21, playing them evenly the 2nd half when their motivation dropped.
I watched Money Train over the weekend and although not a great movie for some reason I think Woody Harrelson is a really entertaining actor. He is such a white goober southern hick that I find him amusing. I'm not so big on Wesley Snipes and for some reason I can't stand J Lo.
If you aren't aware Jessica Simpson is getting fat.

If you need to wear a double belt to keep your stomach in... I'm not going to knock her for being fat but considering the way she used to look this is a blow to male magazines.
I'll run through my TV watching quickly. Rock of Love Bus is down to 9 people. My new favorite girl is Ashley. She has a good attitude of sabotaging the other girls and trying to win the competition. There's something about her demeanor which I find appealing.
I thought 24 was pretty good this week. Watching this show in 1 hour (40 minute) doses is difficult. I can hardly even remember what happened but then I think back and only 40 minutes happened so not much did happen. Huh. Walker lived, the only attractive character died, and Bauer is calling the shots. Next.
I like Flight of the Conchords. I find the dialog as good as ever. They may be stretching for ideas in some spots but I don't really care. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtbQaJzZh1k
Honestly that pretty much wraps up the last week or so. I'll post more in the future. I'm on a downward spiral in poker but I have a feeling that this will be changing shortly. Down about 600 in 3 weeks. However, I picked up some nice gains on yhoo, bidu, and ge yesterday only to give back a lot today. I'm thinking of going radical and making a big play on the price of OIL. And I'm going to put a hefty wager on GSP to take down BJ Penn on Sat. Then once GSP owns I'll put the winnings on the Steelers -7. I dislike the Steelers and am scared of Warner, maybe i'll reconsider this decision. Vegas on Monday for a tradeshow.
Friday, January 23, 2009
People / things that annoy me
Back in high school I made a list of things that annoyed me. Annoying girls and ridiculous things made the list. All in all there were about 200+ things that were on it. This was obviously like 10 years ago but I still can think of many things that are still on the list. I'll start with a few in this post and continue as I choose.
- People who use debit cards. This really irks me when I'm standing in line of a convenience store and somebody whips out there debit card for a 4 dollar purchase. Anytime they use debit then the bro needs to bring out the pin code which is just completely unnecessary for this simple transaction. You will rarely ever find me with absolutely no cash. The ability to go to an ATM and have cash on you at all times is not difficult. At the very least use credit. I don't know why anyone would choose to have the money debited from their account immediately instead of having 30 days to pay for a transaction. If you read this and use a debit card, my apologies, but that's how I feel.
- People who put bumper stickers on cars. What's the best way to depreciate the value of a car? Throw a shitty bumper sticker on it. I don't want anything touching my car. No advertisements promoting the dealer, no sticker where I went to college, and certainly no bullshit about bringing our troops home or how I support breast cancer. Unless your car is worthless and you can't devalue it anyhow, there is no reason for stickers on cars. They are tacky. pun.
- I hate getting my socks wet. Getting your socks wet can ruin an entire day. Sloshing around with wet socks is a terrible feeling and the moment I feel it beginning to happen I know what I'm in for. This is a fairly easy thing to avoid but sometimes the depth of puddles can be uncertain and cause problems.
- Pens that have ink that doesn't dry fast enough. Obviously people are writing on paper less and typing more, however, if there is pen that puts down nice ink and then you smear your hand across it as you continue to write, this is a nuisance. The ink smears so it's illegible and you have shit all over your hand. I used to hate when this happened when I had to write essays. I feel like lefties have it worse though.
- Microsoft updates. They pop up in that yellow shield and an exclamation point, or something like. I'm like, yeah fine whatever, update my computer with whatever random shit you deem necessary, just let me be. After it's done it pops up with system needs to be rebooted in order for the new settings to take place. I'm like ok not now, restart later. Pops down in the lower right and I'm on my way. 5 minutes later it pops up again. Obviously getting annoyed, I just tell it no I want to restart later. The fucking thing is persistent and doesn't get the message. I'm in the middle of something and no I don't want to restart my computer because it takes 5 minutes to reboot and I have 9 tables going and no I can't fucking restart. BACK OFF!
- Eva Mendes making number 1 on the ask men top 99. I'm not sure how unless a lot of Hispanics read ASK Men. I don't like Megan Fox as #2 either although I feel like everyone else does. My 1-2 in no real order follow.



*Some random chick in the top 10 who is better than 1-2-3.
- People who use debit cards. This really irks me when I'm standing in line of a convenience store and somebody whips out there debit card for a 4 dollar purchase. Anytime they use debit then the bro needs to bring out the pin code which is just completely unnecessary for this simple transaction. You will rarely ever find me with absolutely no cash. The ability to go to an ATM and have cash on you at all times is not difficult. At the very least use credit. I don't know why anyone would choose to have the money debited from their account immediately instead of having 30 days to pay for a transaction. If you read this and use a debit card, my apologies, but that's how I feel.
- People who put bumper stickers on cars. What's the best way to depreciate the value of a car? Throw a shitty bumper sticker on it. I don't want anything touching my car. No advertisements promoting the dealer, no sticker where I went to college, and certainly no bullshit about bringing our troops home or how I support breast cancer. Unless your car is worthless and you can't devalue it anyhow, there is no reason for stickers on cars. They are tacky. pun.
- I hate getting my socks wet. Getting your socks wet can ruin an entire day. Sloshing around with wet socks is a terrible feeling and the moment I feel it beginning to happen I know what I'm in for. This is a fairly easy thing to avoid but sometimes the depth of puddles can be uncertain and cause problems.
- Pens that have ink that doesn't dry fast enough. Obviously people are writing on paper less and typing more, however, if there is pen that puts down nice ink and then you smear your hand across it as you continue to write, this is a nuisance. The ink smears so it's illegible and you have shit all over your hand. I used to hate when this happened when I had to write essays. I feel like lefties have it worse though.
- Microsoft updates. They pop up in that yellow shield and an exclamation point, or something like. I'm like, yeah fine whatever, update my computer with whatever random shit you deem necessary, just let me be. After it's done it pops up with system needs to be rebooted in order for the new settings to take place. I'm like ok not now, restart later. Pops down in the lower right and I'm on my way. 5 minutes later it pops up again. Obviously getting annoyed, I just tell it no I want to restart later. The fucking thing is persistent and doesn't get the message. I'm in the middle of something and no I don't want to restart my computer because it takes 5 minutes to reboot and I have 9 tables going and no I can't fucking restart. BACK OFF!
- Eva Mendes making number 1 on the ask men top 99. I'm not sure how unless a lot of Hispanics read ASK Men. I don't like Megan Fox as #2 either although I feel like everyone else does. My 1-2 in no real order follow.



*Some random chick in the top 10 who is better than 1-2-3.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We played Sorella Rose last night. We were either up 2 or down 2 at halftime, I really don't remember. Then they started the 2nd half on a 15-2 run or so. We never got it too close until with under a minute left it was a 4 point game. Ended up losing by 6. Our defense was unbelievably confused at times and our transition d was terrible. Bake dropped 35+ pts so obvious shout out. I went 0-3 from the line so the hex was back but I made a bunch of layups so hopefully that curse if over. 1-1 this week in games and expecting good things in the future.
I woke up at 6 today, ran 2 miles in 11:50 then shot around for a while. I went to McDonalds to order a #12 which is a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel, hashbrown, and small orange juice. $5.55!?!?! Are you fucking serious? The moron making it doesn't even melt the orange nasty cheese. It just chills there on the bagel acting cold. Nevertheless, I ate it and was happy.
I wrote a while back about things I'd like to accomplish in 09, so i'll conclude with that. I don't think I have resolutions like losing weight, exercising more, or eating healthier, I pretty much own at them.
- I'd like to attend a party at the playboy mansion. I'm going to use the Bud Fox method an email them everyday for the next 11 months for an invite.
- Start shooting under 90 consistently in golf. I've been stuck in the 90-100 for a couple of years now and with a little practice this shouldn't be too difficult consider I shot an 82 on a tough course back when I was 17. Problem is the booze and cigars on the course seem to interfere.
- Make some money investing. I feel like I know more than the average person about investing however, I can say with 100% confidence that I lost much more money than the average person this year. Using money to make money is how smart people become rich. So far I have failed but 09' is a new year.
- Create a supplemental income from an idea. Whether it be a new business idea or a service, I should be able to think of something. I'll keep my ideas posted.
- Watch all movies that people claim to be good that I haven't seen. Patton, Citizen Kane, Schindler's List, Money Train... etc (I wasn't going to put there parentheses but I figure some people who read this are too stupid to figure it out)
I have some others but I'll save them for later. Oh and I was listening to Howard and Rich Kronin, from LFO, banged Jennifer Love Hewitt and she calls her pussy, missy, FYI.
I woke up at 6 today, ran 2 miles in 11:50 then shot around for a while. I went to McDonalds to order a #12 which is a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel, hashbrown, and small orange juice. $5.55!?!?! Are you fucking serious? The moron making it doesn't even melt the orange nasty cheese. It just chills there on the bagel acting cold. Nevertheless, I ate it and was happy.
I wrote a while back about things I'd like to accomplish in 09, so i'll conclude with that. I don't think I have resolutions like losing weight, exercising more, or eating healthier, I pretty much own at them.
- I'd like to attend a party at the playboy mansion. I'm going to use the Bud Fox method an email them everyday for the next 11 months for an invite.
- Start shooting under 90 consistently in golf. I've been stuck in the 90-100 for a couple of years now and with a little practice this shouldn't be too difficult consider I shot an 82 on a tough course back when I was 17. Problem is the booze and cigars on the course seem to interfere.
- Make some money investing. I feel like I know more than the average person about investing however, I can say with 100% confidence that I lost much more money than the average person this year. Using money to make money is how smart people become rich. So far I have failed but 09' is a new year.
- Create a supplemental income from an idea. Whether it be a new business idea or a service, I should be able to think of something. I'll keep my ideas posted.
- Watch all movies that people claim to be good that I haven't seen. Patton, Citizen Kane, Schindler's List, Money Train... etc (I wasn't going to put there parentheses but I figure some people who read this are too stupid to figure it out)
I have some others but I'll save them for later. Oh and I was listening to Howard and Rich Kronin, from LFO, banged Jennifer Love Hewitt and she calls her pussy, missy, FYI.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Update 3
I know I have not written (is it wrote or written) in the last couple days and it's not because I haven't had anything to write about, it's just that I'm lazy. I'm going to break it down into a couple of posts so it doesn't look like I wrote a 5 page on essay on my meaningless life.
BBall update. We won last night by 5 putting us at 2-0. I was 4-4 from the stripe which is an unusual, if not impossible, occurrence. We played fairly well and look to be one of the better teams in the Y league. We play Sorella Rose tomorrow in the Springfield league. These guys won the Oreland outdoor league and had the center for Penn some years back, Mark Zoeller. I'm expecting a beat down.
Watched Flight of the Conchords on Sunday night. I still find the show to be amusing with their quirky dialogue and unusual songs. Not much to say about it except I'm still a fan.
Obama was sworn in today. I could honestly care less. The market tanked which obviously is the feeling of losing more money. The smart human would say it's time to get out because the global economy is going through such turmoil that it's probably best to stay on the sidelines. I figure I have 40 more years to work and I'm not going to panic and sell because I know the second I do, the market will shoot to the moon. I've considered buying some puts just to hedge against my bullish positions but I just haven't pulled the trigger due to lack of research.
Does anyone know why it's so cold today?
BBall update. We won last night by 5 putting us at 2-0. I was 4-4 from the stripe which is an unusual, if not impossible, occurrence. We played fairly well and look to be one of the better teams in the Y league. We play Sorella Rose tomorrow in the Springfield league. These guys won the Oreland outdoor league and had the center for Penn some years back, Mark Zoeller. I'm expecting a beat down.
Watched Flight of the Conchords on Sunday night. I still find the show to be amusing with their quirky dialogue and unusual songs. Not much to say about it except I'm still a fan.
Obama was sworn in today. I could honestly care less. The market tanked which obviously is the feeling of losing more money. The smart human would say it's time to get out because the global economy is going through such turmoil that it's probably best to stay on the sidelines. I figure I have 40 more years to work and I'm not going to panic and sell because I know the second I do, the market will shoot to the moon. I've considered buying some puts just to hedge against my bullish positions but I just haven't pulled the trigger due to lack of research.
Does anyone know why it's so cold today?
Update 2
The eagles lost and I lost 50 in the process betting the over and the -4. Like I've wrote before I don't get caught up in the hype of sports so I wasn't crying that the eagles lost like the other million people in the city. I actually like Warner and Fitzgerald went to Pittsburgh. Once again I have no school pride but it's good to see that the best receiver in the NFL (don't try to argue that point) went to my college.
I'm gonna write about Bauer in this post too although I'll keep it brief. 24 was entertaining and I hope *spoiler* that Jack puts 6 feet of dirt on Agent Walker's body and lets her die. She has a bad complexion anyhow. Madam President is pissing me off more and more each episode. Billy is having an affair and saving his wife at the same time. And Larry, the head of the FBI, like the pussy that he is, makes it THE TOP PRIORITY to save Agent Walker. Get real. One bright spot is Tony. The guy is just pure manliness. His emotion never changes and I always get the feeling he's just about to do something crazy.
Watched Rock of Love Bus. 2 girls got voted off. The one girl popped her implant which is funny. She got told to get the fuck out although she deserved it. The easily craziest one got booted too. Brittaney looked like she was going to go apeshit after she got kicked off. She was standing there smiling like an atomic bomb just went off in her head. Not much else to say except I'm probably the only 25 male in the demographics for this show. Taya FTW.
I'm gonna write about Bauer in this post too although I'll keep it brief. 24 was entertaining and I hope *spoiler* that Jack puts 6 feet of dirt on Agent Walker's body and lets her die. She has a bad complexion anyhow. Madam President is pissing me off more and more each episode. Billy is having an affair and saving his wife at the same time. And Larry, the head of the FBI, like the pussy that he is, makes it THE TOP PRIORITY to save Agent Walker. Get real. One bright spot is Tony. The guy is just pure manliness. His emotion never changes and I always get the feeling he's just about to do something crazy.
Watched Rock of Love Bus. 2 girls got voted off. The one girl popped her implant which is funny. She got told to get the fuck out although she deserved it. The easily craziest one got booted too. Brittaney looked like she was going to go apeshit after she got kicked off. She was standing there smiling like an atomic bomb just went off in her head. Not much else to say except I'm probably the only 25 male in the demographics for this show. Taya FTW.
Watched Platoon and Shawshank Redemption. I recommend them both and would rate them higher than probably 90% of movies.
Sheen, DeFoe, and Berenger are kickass the entire movie. The reality of Platoon is what makes it great. Kevin Dillon has a bad ass role and the Bob from Office Space is classic. The movie just made you feel what it was like to be in Vietnam and the unstable mentality of troops. Elisha and Barnes are awesome characters and Taylor fits the bill.
Shawshank is nothing like I was prepared for. For some reason I thought it was going to be a grim movie about prison life. I was expecting something pertaining to the concentration camps but I think I was getting it confused with Schindler's List (which I also intend to watch in the near term). All the characters were wonderfully executed and the storyline was entertaining. Not a whole lot of major events take place but the portrayal of life in prison and the effects on the human mind seemed realistic and accurate. How the story came together, combined with the ending makes this is a high quality film.
Sheen, DeFoe, and Berenger are kickass the entire movie. The reality of Platoon is what makes it great. Kevin Dillon has a bad ass role and the Bob from Office Space is classic. The movie just made you feel what it was like to be in Vietnam and the unstable mentality of troops. Elisha and Barnes are awesome characters and Taylor fits the bill.
Shawshank is nothing like I was prepared for. For some reason I thought it was going to be a grim movie about prison life. I was expecting something pertaining to the concentration camps but I think I was getting it confused with Schindler's List (which I also intend to watch in the near term). All the characters were wonderfully executed and the storyline was entertaining. Not a whole lot of major events take place but the portrayal of life in prison and the effects on the human mind seemed realistic and accurate. How the story came together, combined with the ending makes this is a high quality film.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
No new news
We won both bball games against 2 non white teams. 1st game we opened up an early lead and held on to win by 2. 2nd game we were up the whole game and finished up 15 or so. No good stories like last week. I was rejected and appropriately commented by the opposing player to "get that shit outta here."
I'm going to make a driving rant so if anyone reads this then they can understand my rules of the road. I consider myself a great driver.
- You should pretty much always have your lights on. Only exception is when it's high noon and it's a bright sunny day. It's not a hassle and it's a convenience to other drivers. If you say that you'll forget to turn them off then you are a retard because it beeps when you turn your car off and if you can't figure that out then you don't deserve to be on the road.
- When someone lets you in, it's of good nature to put your hand up and appreciate the good will. I honestly hate letting people in unless I'm in a nice mood, but when I do I always like to be thanked. Which brings me to the next point. If you see 2 lanes, and one is wide open and the other is backed up. There is a good chance that the wide open one is blocked up ahead. It is unacceptable to drive up the wide open one and cut in. When I see this happen, I tail the person in front of me so much that there is no physical possibility of some asshole getting in front of me who decided to cheat the line. I suggest you do the same.
- Don't look over your shoulder when changing lanes. If you do this you seriously have to stop because you are the #1 cause of rear ends. Align your right mirror so that you can see just barely see the side of your car and the rest of the view should be level. If you do this you are automatically a bad driver no ifs, ands, or buts.
- Stay in your fucking lane. When driving straight, when going around bends, when your not moving, stay in your lane. Whenever I see some douche taking up more than his lane I have this urge to drive up in my lane so that our mirrors can practically touch forcing the idiot over. Also, on bends going uphills it is not ok to drive on the other side of the road because you are taking the turn too fast. I wish I could just slam the car head on just to prove a point. However, this point is a difficult one to prove.
- Stop signs. First come, first serve. There is no niceness with stop signs. If you get there first, then you put your foot on the accelerator. There is no waiting to see whose going to go first. This is what causes confusion and accidents. If you see that you stop before the other person, GO! For once in your life be bold instead of being a pussy. Just to note, I think the complete stop is bullshit and only wusses do it. I honestly have no idea why people will come to a complete stop when it's obvious no one is around. What is the point of it? So they won't get a ticket, so they can follow the rules, so they maintain safety on the streets? If you come to a complete stop you are basically saying that society's rules define my behavior and I am a little bitch who takes shit from everyone.
- Speed limits. One general rule of thumb, if no one is watching then you can go whatever speed feels right. Anytime you have clear vision of what is upcoming, you should never get a ticket for going to fast. If you are being dumb and flying through intersections and places where cops hang out then you deserve the ticket. I have one speeding ticket on my record and it was due to stupidity on my part (another story). I love to speed and I love getting away with it. If a cop ever catches me then I will give major credit to his hiding spot because I don't get caught. For the record, 6-8 mph over the limit is the norm, losers go the limit.
I'm going to make a driving rant so if anyone reads this then they can understand my rules of the road. I consider myself a great driver.
- You should pretty much always have your lights on. Only exception is when it's high noon and it's a bright sunny day. It's not a hassle and it's a convenience to other drivers. If you say that you'll forget to turn them off then you are a retard because it beeps when you turn your car off and if you can't figure that out then you don't deserve to be on the road.
- When someone lets you in, it's of good nature to put your hand up and appreciate the good will. I honestly hate letting people in unless I'm in a nice mood, but when I do I always like to be thanked. Which brings me to the next point. If you see 2 lanes, and one is wide open and the other is backed up. There is a good chance that the wide open one is blocked up ahead. It is unacceptable to drive up the wide open one and cut in. When I see this happen, I tail the person in front of me so much that there is no physical possibility of some asshole getting in front of me who decided to cheat the line. I suggest you do the same.
- Don't look over your shoulder when changing lanes. If you do this you seriously have to stop because you are the #1 cause of rear ends. Align your right mirror so that you can see just barely see the side of your car and the rest of the view should be level. If you do this you are automatically a bad driver no ifs, ands, or buts.
- Stay in your fucking lane. When driving straight, when going around bends, when your not moving, stay in your lane. Whenever I see some douche taking up more than his lane I have this urge to drive up in my lane so that our mirrors can practically touch forcing the idiot over. Also, on bends going uphills it is not ok to drive on the other side of the road because you are taking the turn too fast. I wish I could just slam the car head on just to prove a point. However, this point is a difficult one to prove.
- Stop signs. First come, first serve. There is no niceness with stop signs. If you get there first, then you put your foot on the accelerator. There is no waiting to see whose going to go first. This is what causes confusion and accidents. If you see that you stop before the other person, GO! For once in your life be bold instead of being a pussy. Just to note, I think the complete stop is bullshit and only wusses do it. I honestly have no idea why people will come to a complete stop when it's obvious no one is around. What is the point of it? So they won't get a ticket, so they can follow the rules, so they maintain safety on the streets? If you come to a complete stop you are basically saying that society's rules define my behavior and I am a little bitch who takes shit from everyone.
- Speed limits. One general rule of thumb, if no one is watching then you can go whatever speed feels right. Anytime you have clear vision of what is upcoming, you should never get a ticket for going to fast. If you are being dumb and flying through intersections and places where cops hang out then you deserve the ticket. I have one speeding ticket on my record and it was due to stupidity on my part (another story). I love to speed and I love getting away with it. If a cop ever catches me then I will give major credit to his hiding spot because I don't get caught. For the record, 6-8 mph over the limit is the norm, losers go the limit.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I'll start with 24. This show has gone downhill. I am well aware that this is 24 and is "supposed" to be one of the best shows on tv. I'm not falling into the hype. I'm not an enormous 24 fan, I've watch seasons 1-3, parts of 4, none of 5, and a part of 6. I can say that I found the first couples seasons with David Palmer, that cunt Sherry, and that fucking idiot Kim Bauer to be extremely entertaining. I'm not sure if it was because of it's unique delivery or what but the show was badass. What I'm watching now is just over the top. How can the FBI be so inept? Their system gets hacked like its no big deal and their drones are embarrassing to watch. This blue van comes onto their location and they can't follow it? It's a fucking slowass blue van that sticks out like a hooker at a ballroom dance (i know I'm really stretching but I didn't want to use sticks out like a sore thumb which I just looked up and means a busted limb). The President is a woman who can't decide anything and her husband is a whiny little bitch who I hope gets snipered. The main bad guy trusts Jack Bauer after meeting the guy for 3 minutes. Is he aware that this is JACK FUCKING BAUER. Does he not have a reputation by now? Billy Walsh is in the FBI now and he's breaking security measures to check in on his wife in a plane. Billy, you think your wife is the most important person on the planet, when there are hundreds of others who are going through the same thing he is. Do your fucking job you rat. I'm probably being a bit harsh on the show, I know it's strictly for entertainment purposes but when I watch a show like the Wire and realize how good a show can be, season 7 just seems, well I'll wait and see before I completely comment. However, the reasons I never finished some of the other seasons is exactly what is going through my mind right now. Oh and when Jack chokes out the agent, what is her lung capacity that of an infant, he did it for 10 seconds and she was knocked out. At least pistol whip her or give her a shot to the cooch. The last line is a joke but when you have the opportunity to use the word cooch, you take it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Weekend Recap
Since I put the link on facebook I think i've tripled my readers from 4 to 12. That's a pretty big percentage jump and now I have the added pressure of entertaining people with my life that really isn't that exciting. Nevertheless, I'll continue with what my weekend comprised of.
Got drunk on Friday drinking beer from a keg that was a week and a half old and was indoors too long. It didn't taste bad but after drinking a couple I was just as drunk as I was after drinking 10 cups of it. Something was off about it but it didn't stop me. Went to the bar and slept on the couch instead of my bad listening to dark side of the moon which for some reason has become my album of choice nowadays. Woke up on Saturday played some online poker where I netted a hundo gain after dirtying some guy with qq on a kk7 flop after I checkraised all in. Then I went to the plymouth meeting mall. This is the shittiest mall I've ever been too and I don't intend ever going back. Macy's looked like they forgot to restock the shelves and the finish line had one employee so even though I was going to buy a new pair of shoes I couldn't get help so I just boycotted the store and left. Then I went to the gym and then to PJ's to watch the football game. I put 50 on the ravens which turned out to be right for a change. When PJ's isn't crowded it's a pretty good bar to hang out in. They have a goofy TV set up but the beer was cheap and food was decent. After that I got drunk off of winter lagers and went out in Manayunk which was all typical. Woke up at 1pm today to miss putting money on the eagles. Eli is awful and it should be interesting watching them take on Kurt Warner next week. I put money on the chargers which didn't cover. I know I went to school in Pittsburgh but I can say with all honesty that I have no loyalty to Pittsburgh and I detest their football team. I hope the birds play them and stomp them into the ground like they did in the regular season like they did in week 3. I actually slept through the entire game which is why I can't sleep right now. Then I watched 24. I think the show is pretty good but they are making Jack out to be the hardest hard ass. I know he's saved the world 6 times so he I guess he can act however he pleases, but I find the character a bit over the top. I'll tune in for the next 2 hours tomorrow. Watched Rock of Love Bus which continues to deliver with crazy bitches. Do these girls understand that this whole thing is just a joke? There has already been a rock of love 1 and 2 and he hasn't found love. They take this thing so damn serious and the competition between the girls makes the show ridiculously entertaining. The one girl, Brittaney (spells it like a retard too), tells this other girl that the only reason she's on the show is because she's black and they proceed to get in a cat fight. I was thinking the same exact thing so I'm glad she said something. Clear favorite Taia, hot and seems smart. That pretty much sums up the weekend. If you've read this far you must really not have anything better to do. I wasn't sure if I should break this down into paragraphs or not so I just left it as one difficult to read passage.
Bball games on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Got drunk on Friday drinking beer from a keg that was a week and a half old and was indoors too long. It didn't taste bad but after drinking a couple I was just as drunk as I was after drinking 10 cups of it. Something was off about it but it didn't stop me. Went to the bar and slept on the couch instead of my bad listening to dark side of the moon which for some reason has become my album of choice nowadays. Woke up on Saturday played some online poker where I netted a hundo gain after dirtying some guy with qq on a kk7 flop after I checkraised all in. Then I went to the plymouth meeting mall. This is the shittiest mall I've ever been too and I don't intend ever going back. Macy's looked like they forgot to restock the shelves and the finish line had one employee so even though I was going to buy a new pair of shoes I couldn't get help so I just boycotted the store and left. Then I went to the gym and then to PJ's to watch the football game. I put 50 on the ravens which turned out to be right for a change. When PJ's isn't crowded it's a pretty good bar to hang out in. They have a goofy TV set up but the beer was cheap and food was decent. After that I got drunk off of winter lagers and went out in Manayunk which was all typical. Woke up at 1pm today to miss putting money on the eagles. Eli is awful and it should be interesting watching them take on Kurt Warner next week. I put money on the chargers which didn't cover. I know I went to school in Pittsburgh but I can say with all honesty that I have no loyalty to Pittsburgh and I detest their football team. I hope the birds play them and stomp them into the ground like they did in the regular season like they did in week 3. I actually slept through the entire game which is why I can't sleep right now. Then I watched 24. I think the show is pretty good but they are making Jack out to be the hardest hard ass. I know he's saved the world 6 times so he I guess he can act however he pleases, but I find the character a bit over the top. I'll tune in for the next 2 hours tomorrow. Watched Rock of Love Bus which continues to deliver with crazy bitches. Do these girls understand that this whole thing is just a joke? There has already been a rock of love 1 and 2 and he hasn't found love. They take this thing so damn serious and the competition between the girls makes the show ridiculously entertaining. The one girl, Brittaney (spells it like a retard too), tells this other girl that the only reason she's on the show is because she's black and they proceed to get in a cat fight. I was thinking the same exact thing so I'm glad she said something. Clear favorite Taia, hot and seems smart. That pretty much sums up the weekend. If you've read this far you must really not have anything better to do. I wasn't sure if I should break this down into paragraphs or not so I just left it as one difficult to read passage.
Bball games on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, January 09, 2009
As much as I hate blocking the Jessica snatch pic, I'll post a rundown of the bball game last night. To start off, someone points out they have a 6-6 guy who played d2 ball. This doesn't fair well considering we have 2 high school varsity players and a bunch of stragglers. Nevertheless we get off to a hot start with the score being 2-2. That was as close as we would come. We were down by 9 at half time which still instilled some chance of hope. Then one player, who will be named later, has a wide open fast break layup and proceeds to pass the ball to me, who is BEHIND him and has a tendency to botch layups PLUS there is a defender between the two of us. Obvious turnover and this player is then asked/told to "get the fuck off the court." We'll call him "the quitter" from here on out. The quitter pouts on the sideline for the rest of the game. We don't score for probably the first 7 minutes of the second half and proceed to lose by 25, the last 8 minutes being garbage time. They were obviously the better team but if "the quitter" didn't shoot 0-7 to start and then quit, we could play them competitively. I gave the quitter the option not to be mentioned in this blog but he refused to concede to my demands thinking he did nothing wrong. He has a myriad of excuses but anyway I look at it, it's a losers mentality from someone who claims to be a winner. We are 1-2 now and play next Wednesday.
Edit* I just want to note the reason the quitter didn't take the wide open layup is because he was going to get fouled if he did and he doesn't take physical contact. If you know who I'm talking about please comment to show "the quitter" the public's perception of his attitude.
Edit* I just want to note the reason the quitter didn't take the wide open layup is because he was going to get fouled if he did and he doesn't take physical contact. If you know who I'm talking about please comment to show "the quitter" the public's perception of his attitude.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Wed 1/7
Woke up at 6 today. Went to the gym and ran 2 sub 6 minute miles. Then went to the bball court to shoot around because I have a game tomorrow. I have a well deserved reputation for being a terrible foul shooter. So I told myself I wasn't leaving until I made 3 in a row. For a normal human being this shouldn't be a problem, however it took me a good 15-20 minutes to do this. I honestly think anyone who has a pair of arms could do this faster than me. Even someone without arms has a good shot of kicking it in before me. Alas I did it and hopefully rectified what I believe to be the issue.
I was listening to Howard a day or two ago and he said that people that use the phrase "sort of" are trying to be smart but, in reality, aren't. It's the same thing with the phrases "you know" and "like". It's not an issue if you say it every so often but if it happens constantly you really have to listen to yourself and think about why you are speaking like a nitwit. I find myself falling into word traps where I'll use the word "basically" too often or if I'm describing something bad I'll use the word "horrible" all the time. Knowing synonyms for words is helpful and the obvious place to look is the thesaurus.
3 top songs right now.
Dawn of the dead- Does it offend you, yeah?
Go getter Greg - Ludo
In my head - Your Vegas
By the way, this spell check is really smart.
I was listening to Howard a day or two ago and he said that people that use the phrase "sort of" are trying to be smart but, in reality, aren't. It's the same thing with the phrases "you know" and "like". It's not an issue if you say it every so often but if it happens constantly you really have to listen to yourself and think about why you are speaking like a nitwit. I find myself falling into word traps where I'll use the word "basically" too often or if I'm describing something bad I'll use the word "horrible" all the time. Knowing synonyms for words is helpful and the obvious place to look is the thesaurus.
3 top songs right now.
Dawn of the dead- Does it offend you, yeah?
Go getter Greg - Ludo
In my head - Your Vegas
By the way, this spell check is really smart.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

On another note, I watched Rock of Love Bus on Sunday and found it to be entertaining as usual. I'm not sure but there is something about that show that really amuses me. It's either all the girls and their fake tits, or the vicious catfights, or the drunken charades. Nevertheless I feel dumber after watching it but am vigorously entertained.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Pure Pwnage
So this break completely owned me, hard. I paid the price the last couple days with my body telling me that it's pissed off that I abused it for 10 straight days. I made it through the rough patch though and although feeling terrible right now, I will improve. Have to go to the gym today to speed up the recovery.
I could go through the events of the past few days but, like usual, the details are hazy. I got retardly drunk with my brother Jeff on Friday for his 21st. I'm not sure how many brother combination's would throw down like us. Obviously it ends in a complete mess and we're are lucky no one got in any trouble. I think it's funny that I feel regret for how I acted the night before but have no recollection of the details. You'd think that being 4 years out of college I would have outgrown this phase, but alas, not the case.
Bball game on the Thursday and then the 2 a week games will start up. This should keep me entertained during the winter months. I like to ask people if they'd play on my team usually just as a conversation starter, but if you read this and you are or know someone who is 6-5 or bigger, let me know because we lack size.
I could go through the events of the past few days but, like usual, the details are hazy. I got retardly drunk with my brother Jeff on Friday for his 21st. I'm not sure how many brother combination's would throw down like us. Obviously it ends in a complete mess and we're are lucky no one got in any trouble. I think it's funny that I feel regret for how I acted the night before but have no recollection of the details. You'd think that being 4 years out of college I would have outgrown this phase, but alas, not the case.
Bball game on the Thursday and then the 2 a week games will start up. This should keep me entertained during the winter months. I like to ask people if they'd play on my team usually just as a conversation starter, but if you read this and you are or know someone who is 6-5 or bigger, let me know because we lack size.
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