Monday, March 16, 2009

Do's and Don'ts

This is my 4th post today so I have done some updating on random BS below.

Here are some things that you should not be doing and if you do, you should quit doing them immediately.

Instant message typing-
1) I don't like when people use r, u , or 2 instead of are, you or two. It's not that hard to type a few extra letters and you don't look like you never went to grammar school.
2) Don't spell words with extra letters. If you really like something you really like something you don't reeealllllly like it. This makes it look like you are either way to excited or your letter character is getting stuck to the keyboard.
3) I don't mind not capitalizing things or punctuation so no need to worry about that.

Running Outside - Now that it's nice outside people feel this urge to exercise, mainly run outside. My guess is they won't do it often but lots of noobs venture outside when the weather turns.
1) Don't run on crowded streets. Seriously stay off of market street or any other main street. Crowded areas where there are a lot of cars don't do well with pedestrians. Pick a park or trail. This goes the same for bikers. I know your bike isn't very wide but that doesn't mean it's safe to drive in between two lanes.
2) Don't run in place. This makes you look like a fucking idiot. Seriously. If you have to stand still for 30 seconds for a light to change green just wait there and stretch your legs if you are looking for something to do. No one cares about your heart rate, just stay still.

Gerald told me 2 things that put him on life tilt.
1) People who take the elevator from floor 1 to floor 2. I agree, stop being a fat ass and use your legs to walk up some steps. This why America is obese because people are too lazy.
2) People who walk to slow on the sidewalk are oblivious to the world and we should put them in their own bubbled world. If you are fat, slow, or stupid you should be walking into oncoming traffic and not on everyday sidewalks. I get put on life tilt as well when I have to move into hyper stride to pass tortoises on the sidewalk. Believe it or not, people have other things to attend to other than what the next flavor of ice cream they are going to eat is.

I'm sure this calls out a couple people but it's not personal and I hardly mean anything by it, it's just a joke so don't freak out and think i'm calling you retarded. I do idiotic stuff on a daily basis so you aren't alone. (ha, yeah right)

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