I'm not sure why but LA fitness constantly has the most unusual people and is the easiest to write about. I'm guessing because there are a lot of people congregating in one place and like I said in previous posts the majority of people are stupid so it makes for easy pickings.
I see these Yoga classes and I just have to wonder what kind of guys sign up for these. I feel like these classes are made for females, no guys allowed. Anytime I see a bro standing on one foot with his hands in a teepee above his head I just instathink, tool.
I never go between the hours of 5-8 because it's a zoo. I would like to take this paragraph and devote it to the differences between the 3 LA fitnesses I've been too.
Let's start with Ft Washington. Nice layout, spacious, machines all work well, the upper level with cardio is a bit unusual but not terrible. I went there tonight at 8 and the bball courts were open to my surprise. The ratio of whites to everyone else was like 75 to 25. I would rate this gym at a 7 of 10 because even though the machines were in good condition they didn't have a few that I like and like mentioned before the cardio section is weird because you peer down on everyone else.
I usually go to Andorra. Breakdown of whites to everyone else is 50/50. The basketball courts are never open and if I happen to get in I would be 1 of 10. I can get in on weekends but that's it, forget about weekdays. This place has machines in good condtion and a lot of them I like. The cardio section is easily the best. They have rows of bikes, then treadmills, then ellipticals. When you run on a treadmill you have people behind you and it's like you are performing for an audience. This LA is 8.5 out of 10 and the one I usually go to.
Now we'll look at City line. Ratio of whites to everyone else is 40 to 60 sliding to the greater. Machines are not well kept. They are broken or creak and no one ever fixes them. The cardio section is decent but I have to try 3 or 4 treadmills to finally find one that won't break when I run on it. No bball court and the water from the fountains is warm. By far the worst one and deserves no rating. This place needs a new manager. I honestly think if they hired me I could turn it around with no experience at all. Someone in mgmt is slacking.
I have a driving pet peeve. When I was younger I was the maniac on the road. I'd constantly be switching lanes and driving too fast to get nowhere. Now when I see someone like this behind me I like to intentionally slow down to piss them off. I've come to the conclusion that even if you go faster everyone seems to get stuck by the same lights and it's just not worth it. I've been having this crazy feeling that when I'm going through green lights i'm going to get sideswiped by a car running a red light. A final note about yellow lights. Yellow lights don't mean stop. When you see a yellow light you don't hit the break, in fact I think you should hit the gas. Going through yellow lights makes you superior to all cars behind you and is a worthwhile risk. Also turning left on yellow in intersections is a must. When you are making a left and there are a ton of cars coming. you drive in the middle of the intersection and turn left when the light goes yellow and then red. No cop will stop you and you keep traffic moving.
Another crazy thought that goes through my mind when I'm driving. When it's windy out and you see traffic lights swaying in the wind, I get this feeling that that tiny little hook that keeps them from falling is going to snap and they are going to come crushing down on the hood of the car and destroying the person inside. I assure you that one fatality had to have happened this way.
I always held the opinion that Led Zeppelin wasn't very good. I heard some of there songs on the radio but never listened to their albums. So now that I have all this newly acquired music, I listened to I, II, and IV and I retract every statement I've ever made. The band is phenomenal. I'm not saying I like every song but I have a greater appreciation for their music.
Since I clearly have to tell people how to do things because people are stupid here is a simple one. When you fill up your car with gas pull through to the second pump. Stopping at the first pump doesn't let anyone behind you fill up unless they pass you inappropriately and then back up and then you would have to back up to pass them. This isn't hard to understand just pull through.
A final act of stupidity. I order a side Caesar and a bunch of other things from Wendy's. I'm not trying to be healthy I just like the side caesar. I get my food and head off. I'm not one of those people who check the contents of the bag before I drive off. I give credit to the people working there that they will get my order right (Obvious mistake but so be it). They get everything right but forget the croutons. This obviously irked me. The croutons are the best part of the salad. I feel like all places like to skimp on croutons. It's like they are becoming scarce and quantity is limited. Even if I would have realized there were no croutons before I pulled away, I still wouldn't say anything because I'm a pussy and like to avoid confrontation. Besides it increases the risk of getting special sauce on your food.
I will end this blog with a picture of hot girl because I think it will automatically make it better. The rock wouldn't appreciate me saying this but this girl is probably the hottest girl in the world and she would look perfect with a pearl necklace. 21 years old!!!! It's Julianne Hough if you've been living under a rock.