So I've been lax and lazy lately in updating this but I'll do one today.
Business has been picking up a bit in April so it's beginning to feel like I'm making money again. When you're self employed there is no one to blame other than yourself if it's not working. Even though the business has been going since 1853 nothing is guaranteed.
I watched V for Vendetta which I thought was a really good movie. After just finishing 1984 the movie went along with the theme of gov't control. I found the movie captivating for the entire 2+ hours.
Rock of Love bus finished and the girl who I said would win in the beginning actually one. She was easily the best looking girl and the girl with the best personality so it's not a real shocker. They need to get a new bro to do the show because Bret Michaels is too old. They have another show called Daisy of Love which features the head case from the last rock of love and should be entertaining.
I went to Philadelphia Park on saturday afternoon to bet on some horses. I ended up losing 115 on my horse bets then accidentally betting 50 on video blackjack which won me 75 so it didn't end up costing me that much. I find the track to be entertaining and I'm thinking about going next week.
On Saturday before the track I was in a stars poker tournament that was a 27 dollar buy in, 45 person tourney. I had to leave to go to the track and handed the reigns over to ellen degenerate and his brother helen. They ended up winning the tournament for $340 dollars or so and now I have to decide how much cut they deserve. On Sunday after Easter brunch I played a 12 dollar 180 tournament which I also took down for $594. So now I have some poker bankroll once again and will be spending a lot of time playing in these next couple days.
Playoff bball game against some bros who we beat in the first game and then they ran off 8 or 9 straight wins. It should be interesting but if we win we will go the finals for the 2nd straight year.
That's pretty much it. I got a nice rebate check and will probably be upgrading my phone and computer so any suggestions are appreciated.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Nothing New
No rants, no complaints, nothing doing. If I was going to write about what I did in the last couple days; our bball team won it's playoff game, I finished 1984, I lost 214 dollars on Villanova, I quit watching 24 last week, rock of love bus is down to 2 people and the last 2 episodes were awful, there is nothing good on Tv, and I signed up for the broad street run on May 3rd.
Ellen Degenerate is moving back to philly so that gives us 3 regulars in our card games which include a rotation of about 30 games varying from stud to holdem to omaha and everything in between. If you read this post and want to play let me know because I am looking for fishes money to take.
I'm going to read slaughter house 5 by vonnegut and start golfing. That's it.
Ellen Degenerate is moving back to philly so that gives us 3 regulars in our card games which include a rotation of about 30 games varying from stud to holdem to omaha and everything in between. If you read this post and want to play let me know because I am looking for fishes money to take.
I'm going to read slaughter house 5 by vonnegut and start golfing. That's it.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Phone Conversation
I'm either terrible on the phone or every single person I talk to is just as bad. It's hard to explain the difficulty of talking to people on the phone but I want to throw out a few issues.
First off, i'm not a girl and I don't call people just to talk. If I'm calling you there is a reason for the call and once I find the answer to the purpose of the call then i'm ready to move on. For example, I call someone to find out what they are doing for the night, I establish if they want to hang out, then I confirm a meeting place and hang up. I don't ask how's their day or did you watch that show last night. It's straight to business and I'll save the small talk when I see the person.
When I'm talking it means that you aren't talking. Conversations have 2 key ingredients, a talker and a listener. This is where my main problems lie. What always seems to happen is I start talking, i'll finish a sentence and then I'll want to say something else but the other person is responding to what I just said and then we both start talking at the same time. Then we both stop talking and sit in silence for a couple of seconds. Then we both find the silence weird and then both start talking again only to stop again because we are both talking at the same time. Then I get annoyed and just decide I'm going to talk no matter what. This is no joke, this happens to me with more than just one person. I answer the phone at work all the time so I have conversations with people all day. I really don't think I'm doing anything wrong so I obviously blame the other side of the conversation.
Here's another strange thing about the phone. Say you have plans for the evening with one group of friends. Someone from another group of your friends calls and you know they are going to ask you to do something that you don't want to do. I'm sitting at my desk and my phone starts vibrating and I look who it is. Now I know that I have no good news for this person. They are going to ask me if I want to do this, the answer is no, but I have to tell this person without sounding like what I have going on is a better option. So do I pick up and be the bearer of bad news or do I just puss out and not answer it hoping it goes away. These thoughts actually run through my head and pretty much explains why I'm a social retard.
People who have dealt with me on the phone know that it's not one of my strong points and hopefully this clears up my ineptitude with the phone. I sometimes like to text because it's short and too the point, then I don't have to get caught up in a conversation with someone when I really only care about one agenda item. I read this back to myself and think I'm a complete sped but what I wrote is the truth.
First off, i'm not a girl and I don't call people just to talk. If I'm calling you there is a reason for the call and once I find the answer to the purpose of the call then i'm ready to move on. For example, I call someone to find out what they are doing for the night, I establish if they want to hang out, then I confirm a meeting place and hang up. I don't ask how's their day or did you watch that show last night. It's straight to business and I'll save the small talk when I see the person.
When I'm talking it means that you aren't talking. Conversations have 2 key ingredients, a talker and a listener. This is where my main problems lie. What always seems to happen is I start talking, i'll finish a sentence and then I'll want to say something else but the other person is responding to what I just said and then we both start talking at the same time. Then we both stop talking and sit in silence for a couple of seconds. Then we both find the silence weird and then both start talking again only to stop again because we are both talking at the same time. Then I get annoyed and just decide I'm going to talk no matter what. This is no joke, this happens to me with more than just one person. I answer the phone at work all the time so I have conversations with people all day. I really don't think I'm doing anything wrong so I obviously blame the other side of the conversation.
Here's another strange thing about the phone. Say you have plans for the evening with one group of friends. Someone from another group of your friends calls and you know they are going to ask you to do something that you don't want to do. I'm sitting at my desk and my phone starts vibrating and I look who it is. Now I know that I have no good news for this person. They are going to ask me if I want to do this, the answer is no, but I have to tell this person without sounding like what I have going on is a better option. So do I pick up and be the bearer of bad news or do I just puss out and not answer it hoping it goes away. These thoughts actually run through my head and pretty much explains why I'm a social retard.
People who have dealt with me on the phone know that it's not one of my strong points and hopefully this clears up my ineptitude with the phone. I sometimes like to text because it's short and too the point, then I don't have to get caught up in a conversation with someone when I really only care about one agenda item. I read this back to myself and think I'm a complete sped but what I wrote is the truth.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Taking Advice
So some people have said that I should space out my posts and make them better. Therefore I will try to do this with a barrage of random topics from La fitness, yes again, to driving, to anything I can think of.
I'm not sure why but LA fitness constantly has the most unusual people and is the easiest to write about. I'm guessing because there are a lot of people congregating in one place and like I said in previous posts the majority of people are stupid so it makes for easy pickings.
I see these Yoga classes and I just have to wonder what kind of guys sign up for these. I feel like these classes are made for females, no guys allowed. Anytime I see a bro standing on one foot with his hands in a teepee above his head I just instathink, tool.
I never go between the hours of 5-8 because it's a zoo. I would like to take this paragraph and devote it to the differences between the 3 LA fitnesses I've been too.
Let's start with Ft Washington. Nice layout, spacious, machines all work well, the upper level with cardio is a bit unusual but not terrible. I went there tonight at 8 and the bball courts were open to my surprise. The ratio of whites to everyone else was like 75 to 25. I would rate this gym at a 7 of 10 because even though the machines were in good condition they didn't have a few that I like and like mentioned before the cardio section is weird because you peer down on everyone else.
I usually go to Andorra. Breakdown of whites to everyone else is 50/50. The basketball courts are never open and if I happen to get in I would be 1 of 10. I can get in on weekends but that's it, forget about weekdays. This place has machines in good condtion and a lot of them I like. The cardio section is easily the best. They have rows of bikes, then treadmills, then ellipticals. When you run on a treadmill you have people behind you and it's like you are performing for an audience. This LA is 8.5 out of 10 and the one I usually go to.
Now we'll look at City line. Ratio of whites to everyone else is 40 to 60 sliding to the greater. Machines are not well kept. They are broken or creak and no one ever fixes them. The cardio section is decent but I have to try 3 or 4 treadmills to finally find one that won't break when I run on it. No bball court and the water from the fountains is warm. By far the worst one and deserves no rating. This place needs a new manager. I honestly think if they hired me I could turn it around with no experience at all. Someone in mgmt is slacking.
I have a driving pet peeve. When I was younger I was the maniac on the road. I'd constantly be switching lanes and driving too fast to get nowhere. Now when I see someone like this behind me I like to intentionally slow down to piss them off. I've come to the conclusion that even if you go faster everyone seems to get stuck by the same lights and it's just not worth it. I've been having this crazy feeling that when I'm going through green lights i'm going to get sideswiped by a car running a red light. A final note about yellow lights. Yellow lights don't mean stop. When you see a yellow light you don't hit the break, in fact I think you should hit the gas. Going through yellow lights makes you superior to all cars behind you and is a worthwhile risk. Also turning left on yellow in intersections is a must. When you are making a left and there are a ton of cars coming. you drive in the middle of the intersection and turn left when the light goes yellow and then red. No cop will stop you and you keep traffic moving.
Another crazy thought that goes through my mind when I'm driving. When it's windy out and you see traffic lights swaying in the wind, I get this feeling that that tiny little hook that keeps them from falling is going to snap and they are going to come crushing down on the hood of the car and destroying the person inside. I assure you that one fatality had to have happened this way.
I always held the opinion that Led Zeppelin wasn't very good. I heard some of there songs on the radio but never listened to their albums. So now that I have all this newly acquired music, I listened to I, II, and IV and I retract every statement I've ever made. The band is phenomenal. I'm not saying I like every song but I have a greater appreciation for their music.
Since I clearly have to tell people how to do things because people are stupid here is a simple one. When you fill up your car with gas pull through to the second pump. Stopping at the first pump doesn't let anyone behind you fill up unless they pass you inappropriately and then back up and then you would have to back up to pass them. This isn't hard to understand just pull through.
A final act of stupidity. I order a side Caesar and a bunch of other things from Wendy's. I'm not trying to be healthy I just like the side caesar. I get my food and head off. I'm not one of those people who check the contents of the bag before I drive off. I give credit to the people working there that they will get my order right (Obvious mistake but so be it). They get everything right but forget the croutons. This obviously irked me. The croutons are the best part of the salad. I feel like all places like to skimp on croutons. It's like they are becoming scarce and quantity is limited. Even if I would have realized there were no croutons before I pulled away, I still wouldn't say anything because I'm a pussy and like to avoid confrontation. Besides it increases the risk of getting special sauce on your food.
I will end this blog with a picture of hot girl because I think it will automatically make it better. The rock wouldn't appreciate me saying this but this girl is probably the hottest girl in the world and she would look perfect with a pearl necklace. 21 years old!!!! It's Julianne Hough if you've been living under a rock.
I'm not sure why but LA fitness constantly has the most unusual people and is the easiest to write about. I'm guessing because there are a lot of people congregating in one place and like I said in previous posts the majority of people are stupid so it makes for easy pickings.
I see these Yoga classes and I just have to wonder what kind of guys sign up for these. I feel like these classes are made for females, no guys allowed. Anytime I see a bro standing on one foot with his hands in a teepee above his head I just instathink, tool.
I never go between the hours of 5-8 because it's a zoo. I would like to take this paragraph and devote it to the differences between the 3 LA fitnesses I've been too.
Let's start with Ft Washington. Nice layout, spacious, machines all work well, the upper level with cardio is a bit unusual but not terrible. I went there tonight at 8 and the bball courts were open to my surprise. The ratio of whites to everyone else was like 75 to 25. I would rate this gym at a 7 of 10 because even though the machines were in good condition they didn't have a few that I like and like mentioned before the cardio section is weird because you peer down on everyone else.
I usually go to Andorra. Breakdown of whites to everyone else is 50/50. The basketball courts are never open and if I happen to get in I would be 1 of 10. I can get in on weekends but that's it, forget about weekdays. This place has machines in good condtion and a lot of them I like. The cardio section is easily the best. They have rows of bikes, then treadmills, then ellipticals. When you run on a treadmill you have people behind you and it's like you are performing for an audience. This LA is 8.5 out of 10 and the one I usually go to.
Now we'll look at City line. Ratio of whites to everyone else is 40 to 60 sliding to the greater. Machines are not well kept. They are broken or creak and no one ever fixes them. The cardio section is decent but I have to try 3 or 4 treadmills to finally find one that won't break when I run on it. No bball court and the water from the fountains is warm. By far the worst one and deserves no rating. This place needs a new manager. I honestly think if they hired me I could turn it around with no experience at all. Someone in mgmt is slacking.
I have a driving pet peeve. When I was younger I was the maniac on the road. I'd constantly be switching lanes and driving too fast to get nowhere. Now when I see someone like this behind me I like to intentionally slow down to piss them off. I've come to the conclusion that even if you go faster everyone seems to get stuck by the same lights and it's just not worth it. I've been having this crazy feeling that when I'm going through green lights i'm going to get sideswiped by a car running a red light. A final note about yellow lights. Yellow lights don't mean stop. When you see a yellow light you don't hit the break, in fact I think you should hit the gas. Going through yellow lights makes you superior to all cars behind you and is a worthwhile risk. Also turning left on yellow in intersections is a must. When you are making a left and there are a ton of cars coming. you drive in the middle of the intersection and turn left when the light goes yellow and then red. No cop will stop you and you keep traffic moving.
Another crazy thought that goes through my mind when I'm driving. When it's windy out and you see traffic lights swaying in the wind, I get this feeling that that tiny little hook that keeps them from falling is going to snap and they are going to come crushing down on the hood of the car and destroying the person inside. I assure you that one fatality had to have happened this way.
I always held the opinion that Led Zeppelin wasn't very good. I heard some of there songs on the radio but never listened to their albums. So now that I have all this newly acquired music, I listened to I, II, and IV and I retract every statement I've ever made. The band is phenomenal. I'm not saying I like every song but I have a greater appreciation for their music.
Since I clearly have to tell people how to do things because people are stupid here is a simple one. When you fill up your car with gas pull through to the second pump. Stopping at the first pump doesn't let anyone behind you fill up unless they pass you inappropriately and then back up and then you would have to back up to pass them. This isn't hard to understand just pull through.
A final act of stupidity. I order a side Caesar and a bunch of other things from Wendy's. I'm not trying to be healthy I just like the side caesar. I get my food and head off. I'm not one of those people who check the contents of the bag before I drive off. I give credit to the people working there that they will get my order right (Obvious mistake but so be it). They get everything right but forget the croutons. This obviously irked me. The croutons are the best part of the salad. I feel like all places like to skimp on croutons. It's like they are becoming scarce and quantity is limited. Even if I would have realized there were no croutons before I pulled away, I still wouldn't say anything because I'm a pussy and like to avoid confrontation. Besides it increases the risk of getting special sauce on your food.
I will end this blog with a picture of hot girl because I think it will automatically make it better. The rock wouldn't appreciate me saying this but this girl is probably the hottest girl in the world and she would look perfect with a pearl necklace. 21 years old!!!! It's Julianne Hough if you've been living under a rock.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
B2G and KOP
I didn't go to work on Thursday because I attended a workshop on how to bid and then sell to the Federal Gov't. I didn't really know what to expect going into it but we are looking for new methods of making money so it seemed like we may be able to fit into this category. To sum up a 2 hour workshop, they explain that first you find a bid, then you have someone quote out the product based on the supplied specs, then you outbid any other potential bidders. Formula sounds great and they gave examples of people making 15k on one deal yadda yadda. I could tell where it was all going after about 15 minutes. Towards the end they point out they only gave you a smidgen of information and to get a 3 day tutorial on how to do everything it will cost 5,000. But wait because the economy is tough they will give 1500 dollars off and it's only 3,500. So there was no way I was signing up on the spot and still probably won't sign up after giving it some thought but it was interesting none the less.
After that I decided to go to KOP mall. My wallet busted (not from having too much money in is) and my belt is coming apart plus I needed some new clothes for nicer weather. I have a 20% off card at macy's so I start there. I'm pretty particular about what I wear and what price I pay. Macy's has nice stuff no doubt but there is no way in hell I'm paying 80 bucks for a Polo. I see the 50% off rack and see a nice Lacoste type jacket. Retail is 160 and immediately I know I'm not paying these outrageous prices. So I decide I'm just going to Marshall's to buy Polo and Nautica stuff at half the price. I go in and all they have are shirts I already own or just incredibly ugly nonsense crap. I can't find the belt I want which is either a dockers or fossil where you can put the jawn through any part of the belt. My plan thwarted I went to 5 guys for a good burger and fries and bought some new kicks from foot locker because Adam wouldn't give me his.
Then I went to UD track meet to watch my brother beast a spook by outkicking him in the last 100 meters. A 4:34 mile which was pretty impressive and adding a 1st place to the belt. I don't miss high school track at all and I think it's hilarious how young these kids look compared to how old I am now. I don't know how it happened but I have gotten old.
Speaking to that subject I feel as though my skills are on the decline. I must have peaked physically somewhere in college and now I'm on a downward spiral towards mediocrity. I can't explain it but after doing physical activity I just feel aches and pains and I think I've lost a step or two. This doesn't mean I'm still not the best at pretty much everything but I'm moving closer to the regs.
I dropped 130 yesterday betting on Memphis and the whities from Duke. I started off hitting a 15 dollar parlay on xavier +7 and Uconn -7 for 38 bucks. Then I got a big head and put 130 on memphis and 45 on Duke. I'm not sure how I still fall into the trap of sports betting but tonight is another opportunity to make it back. I have problems, where's GA?
After that I decided to go to KOP mall. My wallet busted (not from having too much money in is) and my belt is coming apart plus I needed some new clothes for nicer weather. I have a 20% off card at macy's so I start there. I'm pretty particular about what I wear and what price I pay. Macy's has nice stuff no doubt but there is no way in hell I'm paying 80 bucks for a Polo. I see the 50% off rack and see a nice Lacoste type jacket. Retail is 160 and immediately I know I'm not paying these outrageous prices. So I decide I'm just going to Marshall's to buy Polo and Nautica stuff at half the price. I go in and all they have are shirts I already own or just incredibly ugly nonsense crap. I can't find the belt I want which is either a dockers or fossil where you can put the jawn through any part of the belt. My plan thwarted I went to 5 guys for a good burger and fries and bought some new kicks from foot locker because Adam wouldn't give me his.
Then I went to UD track meet to watch my brother beast a spook by outkicking him in the last 100 meters. A 4:34 mile which was pretty impressive and adding a 1st place to the belt. I don't miss high school track at all and I think it's hilarious how young these kids look compared to how old I am now. I don't know how it happened but I have gotten old.
Speaking to that subject I feel as though my skills are on the decline. I must have peaked physically somewhere in college and now I'm on a downward spiral towards mediocrity. I can't explain it but after doing physical activity I just feel aches and pains and I think I've lost a step or two. This doesn't mean I'm still not the best at pretty much everything but I'm moving closer to the regs.
I dropped 130 yesterday betting on Memphis and the whities from Duke. I started off hitting a 15 dollar parlay on xavier +7 and Uconn -7 for 38 bucks. Then I got a big head and put 130 on memphis and 45 on Duke. I'm not sure how I still fall into the trap of sports betting but tonight is another opportunity to make it back. I have problems, where's GA?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Some Randomness
Here are a couple of random things that I have to wonder about.
Washing jeans- I'm not sure what the norm is but it's obviously not after every wear. I don't think it's even after every week of wear. Now if it's the same pair of jeans i'd say you have about 5 wears, assuming no stains, before you wash. I rotate about 4 jeans in my rotation and I'm not exactly sure how often I wash them but it's been long enough that I can't pinpoint when I last did. Also after you wash them they feel all small and tight. It's takes at least a couple of wears before they feel right again.
Bellybutton crease- There's a crease along my belly button that tells me if I'm getting skinnier or fatter. If after I exercise and I get a line across my belly button it means that I'm getting in better shape than I just was. If I drink to much alcohol and I look at my body on a sunday and see a crease, it means I've had too much and will pay the punishment in pounds. I honestly think my weight fluctuates 5-10 pounds on weekends depending on how much I drink. If I throw back 30 beers in a weekend, that's 3000 calories. I don't know how much of that is pissed out but nevertheless it's a lot of dead weight.
Listerine- If you don't use mouthwash you should start because it's nasty if you don't. Brushing isn't good enough and mouthwash fights the gum disease GINGIVITIS. The topic is Listerine and seriously this stuff burns the hell out of my mouth. To keep it in there for 2 minutes and swish it around is practically torture. I think the burning just means it's working but it's still unusual for a product on the market to burn like acid and still be considered good for you.
Snickers Ad's - I know you've seen the billboards. Patrick Chewing, Master P-Nut, Sir Nutsalot. I just made up Sir Nutsalot because it's funny but they did a play on sir mix alot i just can't remember what it was. What do they all have in common? They are all black. Did I miss something here. Is snickers only geared to blacks? It used to be my favorite candy because you'd freeze them and they'd get real hard and was just pure awesomeness. I want to see a billboard for Ted Nougat.
Washing jeans- I'm not sure what the norm is but it's obviously not after every wear. I don't think it's even after every week of wear. Now if it's the same pair of jeans i'd say you have about 5 wears, assuming no stains, before you wash. I rotate about 4 jeans in my rotation and I'm not exactly sure how often I wash them but it's been long enough that I can't pinpoint when I last did. Also after you wash them they feel all small and tight. It's takes at least a couple of wears before they feel right again.
Bellybutton crease- There's a crease along my belly button that tells me if I'm getting skinnier or fatter. If after I exercise and I get a line across my belly button it means that I'm getting in better shape than I just was. If I drink to much alcohol and I look at my body on a sunday and see a crease, it means I've had too much and will pay the punishment in pounds. I honestly think my weight fluctuates 5-10 pounds on weekends depending on how much I drink. If I throw back 30 beers in a weekend, that's 3000 calories. I don't know how much of that is pissed out but nevertheless it's a lot of dead weight.
Listerine- If you don't use mouthwash you should start because it's nasty if you don't. Brushing isn't good enough and mouthwash fights the gum disease GINGIVITIS. The topic is Listerine and seriously this stuff burns the hell out of my mouth. To keep it in there for 2 minutes and swish it around is practically torture. I think the burning just means it's working but it's still unusual for a product on the market to burn like acid and still be considered good for you.
Snickers Ad's - I know you've seen the billboards. Patrick Chewing, Master P-Nut, Sir Nutsalot. I just made up Sir Nutsalot because it's funny but they did a play on sir mix alot i just can't remember what it was. What do they all have in common? They are all black. Did I miss something here. Is snickers only geared to blacks? It used to be my favorite candy because you'd freeze them and they'd get real hard and was just pure awesomeness. I want to see a billboard for Ted Nougat.
Hi Haters
I post this on facebook from time to time not necessarily for the attention / recognition but to see if people actually read it and like it. If you think what I write is a piece of shit please let me know because you'll be freeing up some of my time.
The few people who read this blog (I hate calling it a blog) tell me it's pretty good. I don't really know what that means. I assume it means it's somewhat entertaining and a good waste of 5 minutes. However, I was thinking about it and I know that my life is not that entertaining. So if my writings entertain you than I feel really bad for how boring your life must be. I'm sort of just saying this in jest but I'm 100% serious that I'm not entertaining.
In 1984 by George Orwell a particular trait of the proles (the masses) is that they love to gamble. Why do people love to gamble? It's the lure of easy money and hitting it big. The masses love to drink. Why do people love to drink? Because working 5 days a week makes you insane. Going to work everyday to make your boss money is what the majority of society falls into. People need a relief from the monotony of everyday life. Where am I going with this?
I'm part of the masses and I like to drink and gamble. I'm not doing anything but surviving. What is the purpose of your existence? To find someone you love and procreate and start a family. Then 5 years down the road you can't stand each other anymore and get divorced and lose half of your shit (this blog won't be getting me a girlfriend). Or to come up with a brilliant idea, make a boatload of money and move to a tropical island and drink mixed drinks everyday (uhhh yeah, i'll make an new business idea post next). So, what the hell is the point?
I do have an answer. The answer is to not worry about the purpose or the point. Being above ground and staying healthy is the point. The point is to not die and to appreciate all the good things you have in life. To appreciate that you live freely in one of the best countries in the world because not everyone has it this good. To appreciate everything that mankind has created because life can end abruptly or pass you by just as fast.
You can say that this post is stupid and I'm a clown but if I got you to consider the big picture of life, even for a second, and what your part in it is, then I guess it worked out. And taking my advice is like letting a blind man walk you across the street.
Last few days
Friday night I got embarrassingly drunk and remember practically nothing but I ended up at my place with nothing horribly wrong so hopefully that's the end of that night. I'm sure there's a reason why the word ass is in embarrassing.
I'll comment on the ncaa tournament. I bet on a couple games that had me down to 30 bucks on Sunday after depositing 100 on Thursday. I put 30 on a 3 team parlay to win 190 and amazingly hit. I should probably take my 90 dollar victory and be on my way but what fun is that. Honestly, if anyone says they have made money sports betting they are either lying or have a bad memory.
A quick recap of the TV shows I watch. Rock of Love is awful now that the good characters have been booted off the show. Flight of the Conchords had a disappointing 2nd season. The songs were avg and the the stories were a bit odd. I still like the subtleties of the jokes but I believe the first season was superior. 24 is still 24. I think it's entertaining but far fetched and the acting is wtf at times. Does Tony ever crack a smile or speak in something other than a whisper? I like when Jack was like "all communication is down" even though the security guard was just talking to his wife like 5 minutes ago.
I want to devote a whole paragraph to Eastbound and Down. The season finale was fantastic in my opinion. Their character development was amazing considering the show was only 6 episodes. Stevie went from a fag to a hard ass fag under the tutelage of Kenny. Cutler, the principal, was a sweet character because he is the principal of a middle school yet he likes to get bombed and womanize, not to mention he went psycho. They showed April's tits which was the icing on the cake. Plus the way they made her character so happy at the end and then have her crash due Kenny's dilemma. And what is there to say about Kenny. You really started to feel for the guy. He was such a pompous fat ass prick that you had to hurt when he received the call from the ass't to the ass't of the gm (I thought that guys character was hilarious). I actually felt bad for Kenny in the last couple minutes which is odd considering I usually don't feel any emotion on any show but this had some substance. I look forward to next season.
Other than that things are same shit different day. It's like a routine that never stops. Get up, go to work, do some variation of the same thing, drive home, go to the gym, and then a couple hours of tv or whatever. Weekends are the same thing, get bombed and feel terrible. Something is gonna have to give because life is not meant to be spent this way. Even if I had a ton of money I don't even know what I'd do with it. I'll think about it and let you know.
I'll comment on the ncaa tournament. I bet on a couple games that had me down to 30 bucks on Sunday after depositing 100 on Thursday. I put 30 on a 3 team parlay to win 190 and amazingly hit. I should probably take my 90 dollar victory and be on my way but what fun is that. Honestly, if anyone says they have made money sports betting they are either lying or have a bad memory.
A quick recap of the TV shows I watch. Rock of Love is awful now that the good characters have been booted off the show. Flight of the Conchords had a disappointing 2nd season. The songs were avg and the the stories were a bit odd. I still like the subtleties of the jokes but I believe the first season was superior. 24 is still 24. I think it's entertaining but far fetched and the acting is wtf at times. Does Tony ever crack a smile or speak in something other than a whisper? I like when Jack was like "all communication is down" even though the security guard was just talking to his wife like 5 minutes ago.
I want to devote a whole paragraph to Eastbound and Down. The season finale was fantastic in my opinion. Their character development was amazing considering the show was only 6 episodes. Stevie went from a fag to a hard ass fag under the tutelage of Kenny. Cutler, the principal, was a sweet character because he is the principal of a middle school yet he likes to get bombed and womanize, not to mention he went psycho. They showed April's tits which was the icing on the cake. Plus the way they made her character so happy at the end and then have her crash due Kenny's dilemma. And what is there to say about Kenny. You really started to feel for the guy. He was such a pompous fat ass prick that you had to hurt when he received the call from the ass't to the ass't of the gm (I thought that guys character was hilarious). I actually felt bad for Kenny in the last couple minutes which is odd considering I usually don't feel any emotion on any show but this had some substance. I look forward to next season.
Other than that things are same shit different day. It's like a routine that never stops. Get up, go to work, do some variation of the same thing, drive home, go to the gym, and then a couple hours of tv or whatever. Weekends are the same thing, get bombed and feel terrible. Something is gonna have to give because life is not meant to be spent this way. Even if I had a ton of money I don't even know what I'd do with it. I'll think about it and let you know.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Bracket Time
Best time of the year for bball. I have my picks but I don't care to share them because, like most people, my knowledge of teams is poor.
I started 1984 by George Orwell and I find the book to be very interesting. It's another book written awhile ago about the "future". I'm only 100 or so pages in so I'll reserve comment til after I finish it. However, one thing to note is obvious. A gov't has taken over due most likely to the stupidity of people.
Which brings me to my next point, people are stupid. There is no way around it but the majority of people put on this earth are stupid. For instance there is a company that has owed us some money for 3+ months. I call him up and say are you planning on paying? He replies, "I don't pay the bill until someone from the company calls me, this way it helps my cash flow." WHAT! So you don't do business properly because you can only think about yourself. This is the problem with people. People have no understanding of right and wrong. People constantly make excuses for why they didn't do something or why it's ok to do it.
What drives the problem is the people at the top of the totem pole are just as stupid as the people at the bottom. People at the bottom are too stupid to do anything therefore they don't fuck up things badly. People at the top are considered brilliant enough to make decisions for the rest of us and they let greed and irresponsibility make the decisions for them. If people made decisions based the actual good outcome of the decision and not how much coin is going to be put in their pocket we might actually succeed as a society. As is, we are printing too much money and we will see a shockwave of disaster in the future. I can't predict the future but something will happen with our trade deficit and our printing of trillions of dollars. Shit will hit the fan.
And one final note. All the Dems who love Obama, he's so smart that he can't even think for himself. In his speech on Tuesday he ended up thanking himself instead Ireland's bro because he's so dependent on reading from a teleprompter.
This blog is going downhill, I'm sorry.
I started 1984 by George Orwell and I find the book to be very interesting. It's another book written awhile ago about the "future". I'm only 100 or so pages in so I'll reserve comment til after I finish it. However, one thing to note is obvious. A gov't has taken over due most likely to the stupidity of people.
Which brings me to my next point, people are stupid. There is no way around it but the majority of people put on this earth are stupid. For instance there is a company that has owed us some money for 3+ months. I call him up and say are you planning on paying? He replies, "I don't pay the bill until someone from the company calls me, this way it helps my cash flow." WHAT! So you don't do business properly because you can only think about yourself. This is the problem with people. People have no understanding of right and wrong. People constantly make excuses for why they didn't do something or why it's ok to do it.
What drives the problem is the people at the top of the totem pole are just as stupid as the people at the bottom. People at the bottom are too stupid to do anything therefore they don't fuck up things badly. People at the top are considered brilliant enough to make decisions for the rest of us and they let greed and irresponsibility make the decisions for them. If people made decisions based the actual good outcome of the decision and not how much coin is going to be put in their pocket we might actually succeed as a society. As is, we are printing too much money and we will see a shockwave of disaster in the future. I can't predict the future but something will happen with our trade deficit and our printing of trillions of dollars. Shit will hit the fan.
And one final note. All the Dems who love Obama, he's so smart that he can't even think for himself. In his speech on Tuesday he ended up thanking himself instead Ireland's bro because he's so dependent on reading from a teleprompter.
This blog is going downhill, I'm sorry.
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