Tuesday, November 11, 2008

At it

Today I ran 3+ miles at about 6:45 pace. Quite off my pace two months ago but i've obviously been slacking. There are a few things to notice. First off, it's cold. I don't like running when it's cold because my right, frostbitten foot goes numb. Anytime i'm in the cold to I get mr. deeds foot.

So once it gets too cold I have to go to the gym but that's annoying because I have to use the treadmill. Since I'm obviously a beast, I destroy treadmills. Which means that I have to find an exact one that isn't busted up so I don't break the treadmill and in the process doesn't break me. Plus when I go to the gym I sweat alot. I've come up with 2 reasons for this. I drink alot of beer which must be sweat out, and I work out hard. Anyone who does physical activity that doesn't sweat most likely isn't trying their hardest. I saw a Barack video of him running ball and the guy was completely loafing up and down the court. Is this the type of guy we want running the country? A loafer.

On another tangent we'll have two bball teams, the oreland type winter league and the ambler y league where we have to defend the championship. This will help me keep motivated to not get too far out of shape. Today I did 50 sit ups and 25 push ups. This is hopefully just a start and I can get back into the shape of 2 months ago. I must have put on 10 pounds in 2 months just doing nada.

I took 6th in a 1100 person 50 dollar buy in for 2300 /brag. My poker ego is high and that's not usually a good thing but I'm not going to get too excited considering how much money i've lost in other "investments." Meaning sports betting, AC, and the market. Everything has it's ups and downs and this is just part of the cycle. It will get better because it's hard to believe it can get considerably worse, although nothing would surprise me with the thieves and liers in the big corporations and the gov't.

That's all I got for today. Song of the day "Drink to moving on" by the grand nationals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I have enjoyed reading your blog. I look forward to the next entry.

Todd Mendelson