Monday, April 13, 2009


So I've been lax and lazy lately in updating this but I'll do one today.

Business has been picking up a bit in April so it's beginning to feel like I'm making money again. When you're self employed there is no one to blame other than yourself if it's not working. Even though the business has been going since 1853 nothing is guaranteed.

I watched V for Vendetta which I thought was a really good movie. After just finishing 1984 the movie went along with the theme of gov't control. I found the movie captivating for the entire 2+ hours.

Rock of Love bus finished and the girl who I said would win in the beginning actually one. She was easily the best looking girl and the girl with the best personality so it's not a real shocker. They need to get a new bro to do the show because Bret Michaels is too old. They have another show called Daisy of Love which features the head case from the last rock of love and should be entertaining.

I went to Philadelphia Park on saturday afternoon to bet on some horses. I ended up losing 115 on my horse bets then accidentally betting 50 on video blackjack which won me 75 so it didn't end up costing me that much. I find the track to be entertaining and I'm thinking about going next week.

On Saturday before the track I was in a stars poker tournament that was a 27 dollar buy in, 45 person tourney. I had to leave to go to the track and handed the reigns over to ellen degenerate and his brother helen. They ended up winning the tournament for $340 dollars or so and now I have to decide how much cut they deserve. On Sunday after Easter brunch I played a 12 dollar 180 tournament which I also took down for $594. So now I have some poker bankroll once again and will be spending a lot of time playing in these next couple days.

Playoff bball game against some bros who we beat in the first game and then they ran off 8 or 9 straight wins. It should be interesting but if we win we will go the finals for the 2nd straight year.

That's pretty much it. I got a nice rebate check and will probably be upgrading my phone and computer so any suggestions are appreciated.

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